Saturday, September 29, 2012

First Blog!!

Ok so this is my first blog, and while most people blog about one thing or the other, what do I do? I blog about the serious and the not so serious. I blog about serious matters in the world or just in daily life, things that need to be changed, but I also blog about random crap that doesn't really matter but I just I may just feel like saying something random at the time and so I'll blog it...and sometimes your reaction to the randomness will end with this sort of situation: Dafaq did I just read? And this may not make my blog the most followed or the most popular but guess what girl doesn't care? THIS GIRL! I use my blog to express feelings that I can't express to my parents due to the fact that these raw feelings would get me a straight up back hand to the face because I will usually say what I think and I'll say it bluntly, oh well sucks bro; but what are you gonna do?

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